Workshop: Computer Engineering Education

Workshop Chair : Mg. Ibar Ramirez (UTA –, Dr. Roberto Espinosa (UTA – and MSc Diego Aracena Pizarro (
Date: Friday, September 03rd
Time: 15:00 (See details in the Schedule)
Playlist: Youtube

This year’s Engineering Education Workshop will address the topic: “Timely Graduation”. It is expected to discuss the different ways of graduation of undergraduate students in Chile and especially in the Departments that make up the INFONOR-CHILE Consortium. Academics involved in the process are invited to present their experiences, addressing the pros and cons regarding labor market insertion and continuity of graduate studies.


Timely graduation: what is behind the indicator
MSc. Marcela Varas

MSc. Marcela Varas

Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Translation: Timely graduation is an indicator that all higher education institutions in Chile aspire to improve, for reasons of social and financial responsibility. In this presentation, I will give an account of my experience and opinions about the actions that can generate improvements in the indicator with greater or lesser impact on the learning and contributions of future professionals, with some examples in the case of engineering and the civil computer engineering career of the Universidad de Concepción in particular.

Director – Dept. Computer Engineering and Computer Science.
Higher Education Trends Analyst – Directorate of Strategic Development.

Timely graduation in Universidad Católica del Norte

Dr. Carlos Pon

Head of Software Engineering Career.
Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile.

Not available.

Not available.

Timely graduation in Universidad de Atacama

Mg. Servando Campillay

Head of Software Engineering Career.
Universidad de Atacama, Chile.

Not available.

Not available.

Timely graduation in Universidad Arturo Prat

Mg. Francisco García

Director Head of Software Engineering Career.
Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile.

Not available.

Not available.

Timely graduation in Universidad de Tarapacá

Dr. Ricardo Valdivia Pinto

Head of Software Engineering Career.
Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile.

Not available.

Not available.